Wednesday, February 19, 2014

11 Weeks 1 day Today.

So, my official due date is September 9, 2014. Making me 11 weeks and 1 day pregnant today! My how this time has flown by! I feel like I JUST got that positive test!

So far, I've had it easy in this pregnancy. I've heard a bunch of horror stories about how bad people are during the first trimester, but I've only been sick 3 times! The entire time! 

The main symptom that I've had is nausea and being tired. My stomach was so upset at one point that I couldn't eat anything, the ER doctor had to give me medicine to stop me from being nauseous so I could eat.

Other than that, I feel like I've literally had NO time whatsoever between being tired and sleeping, and doing homework. I've been slacking big time with the house work, which makes me feel bad because Chris works all the time, and he's been trying his best to help me out, but he's exhausted too from work.

This week, my big craving is sweets. The one thing that I want, is a Strawberry Baby Bottle Pop! Weird, I know, but that sounds so good. LOL.

Since Chris couldn't get me anything for Christmas during Christmas time, once he got his tax check, he decided that he wanted to find something for me, but he had no idea. I made the suggestion of getting me a camera, as I only have my phone, and with a baby on the way, we are going to want to have one. He told me to take him to work and go pick one out!

SO I got me a 21 megapixel Sony digital camera. :-D I LOVE it! Here are a few of the photos I've take so far.

Chris showed up after work with Three different things of Carnations one night. 
Chris...being photobombed by the Dog!
 My sister's Cat, Meowth. Watching/playing with her hamster who was in the hamster ball.
 A better one of Meowth.
 My mom and sister at Mom's Birthday dinner, being goofy.
My mom and her Fiancee.
I've also taken a couple videos with my camera as well. But This post has gotten long enough. I'll post those another day this week!!

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